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Hundrends of trading lessons on Stocks, Options, Futures, Forex & Crypto; lecture videos and quizzes to test your understanding at the end of every unit; charting examples, trading strategies, techniques & tips; everything you need to master the trading game in the shortest time possible.

Trading Plan

Traders who win consistently treat trading as a business. While there is no guarantee that you will make money, developing a trading plan is crucial if you want to become consistently successful and thrive in the trading game. Every trader—no matter your experience—needs a plan.

Trading and Risk Management

Controlling risk while trading takes many forms. It starts with properly selecting which markets to trade, then moves on to decisions about allocating capital and taking appropriate-sized positions. But managing risk and limiting losses also is accomplished through understanding risk itself as we…

Trading and Analysis

You have created your trading plan and developed a risk management strategy that works best for you. Now it’s time to define how you plan to make buy and sell decisions. Some traders and investors like to look at price patterns on a chart and technical indicators to make a decision, i.e., technic…

Intro to Options

Discover how options can help you mitigate downside risk and diversify your portfolio across major asset classes such as interest rates, equity indexes, foreign exchange, energy, agriculture and metals. Get acquainted with the basic fundamentals, strategy and vocabulary of our options markets, pr…

Option Greeks

Option prices are driven by multiple variables including changes in the underlying price, interest rates, passage of time, and changes in the expected volatility in the market. Collectively, these are called “the Greeks” because the symbols used to represent the sensitivities of these complex der…

Intro to Bitcoin

Looking to understand more about Bitcoin? This is the place for you. Review the basics of bitcoin and gain a deeper understanding of Bitcoin and how market participants can use them to manage bitcoin volatility and risk.

Options Strategies

Option Strategies are an integral part of a trader’s routine. Learn about common option strategies utilized by traders that express their view of market direction and expected volatility. Some option strategies are designed to mitigate risk while others are designed to profit by accepting risk. W…

Tools for Option Analysis

Build and refine your trading strategies using options calculator, event volatility calculator, open interest heatmap, TWiO, QuikVol tool, strategies simulator overview, Fx Options Vol Converter

Long Options: Underlying and Volatility Impact

Gain a better understanding of how changes in underlying prices and implied volatility affect option premiums.

Intro to Crude Oil

Today’s energy crude oil market is truly global. From West Texas Intermediate (WTI) to Brent and DME Oman, the crude oil market fuels many of the world’s leading economies and impact nearly every nation. Energy crude oil futures and options provide the tools the industry needs to manage risk. Explore the key concepts and structure of today’s energy markets, including the factors that affect supply and demand and move prices. Learn how to use these instruments to hedge exposure and unlock opportunities.

Intro to Precious Metals

When most people hear the words precious metals, they think of jewelry or bullion. However, the precious metals market is more than just gold and silver. Other precious group metals (PGM) include platinum and palladium. These products can be used in jewelry, electronics, automotive manufacturing, and more. They can also be used to manage risk or to serve as a safe haven for capital during times of financial uncertainty. Get to know the precious metals market, explore factors impacting supply and demand, uses both industrial and commercial, and ways to hedge and manage risk.

Intro to Equity Index

Think beyond individual stocks! Explore the world of equity index futures and options for a smarter approach to trading the U.S. stock market. Learn how these contracts offer streamlined exposure and versatile strategies to manage risk and seize opportunities.

Intro to Futures

New to futures or looking for a refresher? Perfect… Dive into the basics of futures contracts, how contracts trade on a futures exchange, the different ways customers use these instruments and the benefits that futures provide. Gain a stronger understanding of how futures work and why more market participants are using derivatives in their trading strategies today.

Trading and Analysis

You have created your trading plan and developed a risk management strategy that works best for you. Now it’s time to define how you plan to make buy and sell decisions. Some traders and investors like to look at price patterns on a chart and technical indicators to make a decision, i.e., technical analysis. Some prefer to back up their decisions with news and data, i.e., fundamental analysis. Still others combine these two techniques.Explore the differences between fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Learn an important concept that traders need to understand—the difference between trending and anti-trending markets.

Intro to FX

Averaging over $5 trillion per day, the foreign exchange (FX) market is where currencies are bought, sold and exchanged. There are many ways to pursue opportunities of the worlds’ largest market, but FX futures offer many advantages over trading spot or over-the-counter FX. Discover the liquidity, nearly 24-hour access and security of trading standardized FX futures on a regulated exchange. Build your knowledge of how FX futures work and why various market participants like large global banks, regional brokers dealers and even small, unregulated boutiques turn to these contracts to navigate the fragmented global FX marketplace.